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Liver Health: How to keep The Liver Healthy


Liver is an important organ in the human body. It is the largest internal organ. It performs around 500 functions like protein synthesis and detoxification. It also produces many biochemicals required for digestion.

Healthy liver is necessary for general health and well-being. Damage to the liver impacts the normal functioning of many body systems. It is very important to keep up liver health. Here are some tips on how to keep up liver health.

Overeating exerts pressure on the liver. It is advisable to control your hunger pangs with a fruit juice or a salad. It is advisable to drink plenty of water. This wonderful liquid washes away toxins from the liver.

Excessive consumption of sugar, especially refined sugar can harm the liver. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Experts are of the opinion that they are poisonous for the liver. If you love sweets, have fruits, or blackstrap molasses.

It is a good idea to avoid foods that you are allergic to. These foods can cause strain on the liver. It definitely does not make sense to force yourself to eat food items that you cannot digest.

It is important to keep the intestines clean. Accumulation of harmful bacteria in the intestine can cause permanent damage to the liver. You can keep the intestines clean by eating plenty of fresh fruits.

Some people tend to binge eat when they are feeling low or when they are anxious. Binge eating when you are in the above-mentioned mindset will check blood flow to the liver and get redirected from the liver and intestines to other parts of the body.

It is advisable to avoid processed foods. They are loaded with chemicals like artificial color, artificial flavor, artificial sweeteners and preservatives. These chemicals can wreak havoc on the liver. It is advisable to eat organic foods which contain natural ingredients.

Protein based foods promote liver health. It is advisable to consume legumes, grains and cereals regularly. While it is true that one of the functions of the liver is to produce proteins, it is always advisable to maintain adequate protein levels in the body.

If you have the habit of eating breads, it is important to buy fresh breads of high quality. It is important to avoid constipation. Constipation may lead to bacterial accumulation, which may damage the liver. Constipation can be prevented by drinking plenty of water and eating vegetables and fresh fruits.

Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol. It causes permanent damage to the liver. It is advisable to avoid consumption of fatty foods. Eat foods that promote liver health, like carrots and beetroots. These are rich in carotenoids and beta carotene, which purify the liver.

Fatigue, yellowing of the skin, yellowing of the white part of the eye, nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain and vomiting are some symptoms of liver disease.

Upkeep of liver health is very important. At the same time it is not an impossible task. It can be achieved by minor modifications to diet and lifestyle.


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Liver Health: How to keep The Liver Healthy

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Health guide: How to detoxify the liver naturally

Liver is a vital organ in our body. This large, meaty organ (weighs about three pounds) is located at the right side of the belly. Liver plays a major role in the human system by filtering the blood coming from the digestive tract.

Harmful toxins enter the human body through various sources like unclean water, alcohol, caffeine, medicines, pesticides used in farming, smog in the air, artificial sweeteners and sugar.

Accumulation of toxins in the body can cause fatigue, nausea, headache and many other ailments. Liver prevents the accumulation of toxins in the human body. It also performs other vital functions like protein synthesis. It is important to detoxify the liver periodically.

Here are some natural ways to detoxify the liver.

It is always advisable to avoid consuming food that is likely to contain toxins. Eating organic food reduces the strain on the liver. Organic vegetables do not have chemicals. They are also rich in antioxidants and other essential nutrients.

Fasting is an excellent way to detoxify the liver. It is advisable to fast for one or two days in a month. Do not consume solid food throughout the day. Drink plenty of fluids.

Consume diet rich in fiber. It facilitates quick passage of toxins through the digestive system. Fresh, raw vegetables have more fiber than overcooked and processed foods. Consume whole grains, seeds and nuts. It is advisable to use brown rice instead of white rice.

Healthy fats like omega 3 fatty acids promote liver health. Do not consume hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. It is advisable to use olive oil, grape seed oil and coconut oil.

Eat cabbage, broccoli, onions, artichoke, radish, asparagus and spinach. Coffee is found to be effective in protecting liver from damage caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. Ginseng also detoxifies the liver effectively.

Consume diet rich in vitamins B, C and E. Leafy green vegetables, deep colored fruits, cilantro, ginger and garlic helps detoxify the liver. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) helps disarm toxic substances in the liver.

Some experts recommend consumption of the juice of one lemon mixed with one ounce of olive oil. It is supposed to be very effective in detoxifying the liver. It is advisable to avoid consuming white flour and sugar.

Avoid consuming foods containing preservatives and artificial colors. It is advisable to refrain from eating food items containing saturated fats. Avoid processed meats. Avoid smoking. It is advisable to avoid shellfish, as it is found to contain mercury. Reduce alcohol intake. Avoid eggs and red meat.

Master cleanse or lemonade diet, fat flush diet, liver cleansing diet, Martha’s vineyard detox diet and raw food diet are some detox diets that are popular worldwide. They all recommend consumption of plant based foods and suggest avoidance of animal based foods. People with live related medical conditions should consult a certified medical practitioner before trying any of these detox diets.

By implementing the above-mentioned tips and by exercising moderately you can be assured of a healthy liver.

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Health guide: How to detoxify the liver naturally

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Naturopathy is Swasha Vritha or the prophylactic or preventive aspect. Ayurveda is the Athura Vritha or Therapy. Both are related sciences.

Daily Routines or Dinacharya, according to Ayurveda

The ideal time to get up is 04.30 AM. This is known as Brahma Muhurtha or the Time of Brahman, the Absolute.After getting up, one should know the condition of the body. Then one should brush one’s teeth and go to toilet for bowel movement. One should brush teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Then one should go in for an Oil Bath. Oil, preferably coconut oil should be used. This oil should be pasted all over the body and one should wait for at least 30 minutes and then take a bath. Cold bath is ideal but for those suffering from diseases hot water bath is good.

Oil bath gives you good sleep. Weakness of the body will disappear. Your body will grow in strength. Your eyes will sparkle. ” Abhyangam Achareth Nithyam ” says Ayurveda ( Daily you should go in for Oil Bath ). But those suffering from indigestion and excess Kapha should not go in for Oil Bath.

Pathya – Diet Control

When Ayurvedic medicines are taken, one should observe Pathya or Diet Control.

The Six Tastes of Ayurveda are – Sweet, bitter, astringent, sour, pungent and salty. Those suffering from Hyperacidity or Ulcer should not take in foods that are Sour or Pungent. This is known as Pathya.For every disease, there are foods that should not be taken in. For people suffering from heart trouble, cholesterol containing eggs, meat, beef etc should not be taken in. This is Pathya.

Now there is a saying in Ayurveda that for one observing Pathya, there is no need for medicine, as negative food is phased out and Spontaneous Cure takes place. Also for one not observing Pathya, as intake of medicines become useless, as negative food devastates his disease.Pathya means the Way to Health. Apathya means taking in the negative food which foster the disease.

Banana – Nature’s Tonic

The Banana is full of vitamins and minerals. It contains iron, phosphorus and vitamins like Niacin and Riboflavin. A big banana can confer more than 200 calories.

The fructose contained in banana turns to energy after intake. Along with protein and starch, it contains minerals like sulphur, iron, magnesium, copper & calcium. There is less fat content in bananas.Bananas will reduce the acidity in blood. It contains Vitamins C, A, B, D & E.

Along with bananas, warm milk should be taken. This is the ideal food for growing children. But then the obese should not take milk along with bananas.As Bananas have Rasayana properties, use of it will keep you young. You can live for months only on bananas.Bananas can be used as medicine for patients with liver complaints and for digestive tract disorders. Also it can be taken by those suffering from Malnutrition and Scurvy. Also for patients suffering from eye and dental diseases. ( as it contains Vitamin A & Cacium ).

Continence or Brahmacharya

By Continence or Brahmacharya, we mean the control of libidinal life. Both Ojas ( Light ) and Veerya ( Virility ) are based on the Seventh Tissue Element, Semen. Avoid the misuse of this great Dhathu, says Ayurveda. Too much indulgence in sex makes you lose this Seventh Tissue Element and this will result in weakness of body. Body ache, headache etc will be the result. Loss of semen adversely affects reversely the other Six Tisssue Elements.

If you observe Brahmacharya ( practise Continence ), improved memory, grapsing power, physical strength, discriminative intellect, mental happiness, increase of Ojas or effulgence on the face etc will be the result. In order to have good health, you have to control sex. But then as pure Brahmacharya is impossible for married men, controlled Brahmacharya or celibacy is advocated.


Lack of sleep is due to many factors – Anxiety, mental tension, over exercise, emotional suffering etc. When Anger and enmity are suppressed, sleeplessness is the result. Constipation, digestive tract disorders, coffee, tea etc will destroy sleep. Thoughts about sleeplessness will only compound the problem. Use of sleeling pills is not ideal. You may have to depend on such pills. And increasing the quantity is asking for trouble. If Alcohol is taken along with pills, there will repercussions.

Avoid beverages like Cola, tea and coffee. And take in less fatty foods. Avoid fried foods. Take only small quantity of food at night. If you have warm milk before going to sleep, if you keep the mind tranquil, you will doze off to slumberland. You should take food 3 hours before going to bed. It will be better if you can hear peaceful music. Reading is also a good habit which will take you to slumberland. You should walk at least half an hour before going to sleep. It will help to digest the food taken. Meditation will give you good sleep.


The modern fast food culture is responsible for Constipation. Anxiety, fear, mental tension – all these create Constipation. Naturopaths averr that Constipation is the root cause of all diseases.Some antacids also create Constipation. In certain conditions, water will be absorbed in the Colon and faecal matter may solidify. Such hard stools are difficult to dislodge.Lack of proper timing of food, anxiety, mental problems etc all cause Constipation. Constipation will create back pain, weight in the stomach, headache, loss of appetite etc.

Intake of fruits and vegetables organically grown, 12 glasses of water daily, ensure mental peace, correct bowel movements – all these will cure Constipation

Gas Trouble or Hyperacidity

This is a very common disease. In India, there are very few homes without antacid tablets ! On one side, we take a lot of antacids and on the other take in acidic foods ! Amongst the Six Tastes, that which is Sour, Pungent and Salty foster Hyperacidity.

Fried foods, foods containing Masala, very cold drinks,potato, plantains – all these foster Gas Trouble. Lack of exercise is one of the causative factors. Also working seated for long hours.Mental tensions also foster this disease. It is not what you eat, but it is what eats you that is the cause of this common disease.

Mental pain, thoughts of revenge, fear – all these pave the way for this malady. There is an Emotional Center in the brain. When we have mental upsets, this Emotional Center stimulates the oxintic cells in our stomach to secrete Hyrochloric Acid.Lots of gas going from the rectal tract, indigestion – all these are the symptoms of gas trouble. Naturopaths averr that Constipation is the cause of this disease, nay, for all diseases !

Hurry, Worry and Curry are the main causative factors for this disease. Eating food fast, overeating, foods with masala, sour, pungent, salty foods, pickles, chillies, potato, soda, cola, chilled beer, nictoine, alcohol, very hot foods, chewing gum – all these cause Hyperacidity.Prevention is better than Cure. Avoid the Apathya foods and be healthy !

Contradictory Foods

Contradictory Foods are known in Ayurveda as ” Samyoga Viruddha”. When contradictory foods are taken in, it will increase the Doshic imbalance and becomes the cause of many diseases.Shrimp and Milk, Fish and butter, Sour fruits & Milk – are some examples of Contradictory Foods. They are to be avoided at all costs.

Chicken & butter should not be taken in simultaneously. Honey and ghee in equal quantities also is prohibited in Ayurveda

Colon Hydrotherapy

Naturopathy says that diseases are caused by the accumulation of morbid matter. Natural Hygiene says the cause is Toxemia, or the infusion of toxins into the blood.

One of the methods of cleaning the Colon is Enema or Colon Hydrotherapy.I have been practising Enema for the last 18 years. In 1989, while I was participating in an Exhibition Stall in Trichur ( a 41 day affair ), the nearest stall was a Naturopathy stall and the Chief Naturopath told me that the best way to get rid of Gas trouble was to take 15 light enemas.

I bought an enema can and have been doing this when I have any rectal block. This therapy is effective as we can see putrified faecal matter going out 10 minutes after the enema is administered.This is Jalopasana or Water Therapy or Hydro Therapy. All the ancient cultures advocated Hydro Therapy, as Water has got tremendous medicinal properties. Not only faecal matter, but gas, mucous and toxins go out of the rectal tract.

Fasting Therapy

Fasting Therapy is one of the best therapies. The digestive system gets rest during fasting. ” Lankhanam Paramoushadam ” – Fasting is the best medicine. Water Fasting, Fruit Fasting, Juice fasting — there are many types of fasting. Juice Fasting is superior to Water Fasting as the body is supported nutritionally.

The basic principle of Naturopathy is that Nature has healing power and that the Five Doctors are the Elemental Five -Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. ( Annam Brahma ). By Annam is not meant Food, but the Five Doctors, the Five Elements. ” The Five Doctors are the best, as the Five Elements are prior to all “, declares the Upanishads. ( Annam hi bhoothanam jyeshtyam, thasmad Sarvoushadam Uchyathe )

Ghee – The True Rasayana

Rasayana Therapy is Rejuvenation Therapy. That which rejuvenates the body is Rasayana. Ghee is considered to be the True Rasayana. All Ayurvedic preparations are based on ghee, I mean, almost all the Rasayanas. Ghee contains Vitamins A E, K D etc. Vitamin E and Vitamin A are anti-oxidants. Diseases are caused by the excessive production of Free Radicals and these two are antidotes to Free Radicals. The famous Chyavan Prash is based on Ghee. It is said that the Rasayanas confer beauty, longevity, intelligence, youthfulness, health etc. Ghee, taken in moderate quantities, will confer these.

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Harmony In Eating-Ayurvedic Medicine Vata,Pitta And Kapha

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Indigestion Or Heartburn Spirulina Will Save The Day- when you look on the Television there are advertisments everywhere for indigestion and heartburn. Hit pain where it hurts stop pain now. Pain is your body telling you there is something wrong.  When your body is telling you there is something wrong it is important to find out what and make it better not kill the pain with a drug which is full of toxins.

One of the worst things that damages your body is an acid alkaline imbalance. As meat, soft drinks, and dairy products are acidic they can cause lots of damage to your body. The Pharmaceutical and dairy industry have been spreading lies worldwide for decades. If you do some research and check up independent information not doctored by the government, and pharmaceutical companies, you will be able to work this out clearly yourself.

As an example I used to get a flu about 8 times a year since I stopped drinking milk I seldom get one. As I am no longer drinking milk containing casein, They use  casein to stick  wooden chairs together. I wonder if I was drinking a little more glue this winter would I get a chesty cough? Hmmm.  Stranger things could happen and then you can fix it with two or three doses of antibiotics. Yes indeed you too can be the guinea pig and see what the wonders the pharmaceutical concoctions can do for your health.

If you really want to survive and your family too, then you need to take control of your own health. Research how poisonous,mercury in your fillings,flouride in your toothpaste and your water,aspartame in your soft drinks. And the oils and low fat spreads labelled low fat that are bleached after being processed from a dark gunge. To keep you healthy, or the famous ten year burger from our other friends.

Spirulina-Indigestion,Heartburn Relief

The good news is natural organic stuff is available one of the top superfoods which contains calcium your body can actually use unlike milk is Spirulina, Adding some Spirulina to your smoothie, drinks every day will help to alkalize your body. And is a brilliant cure for indigestion or calming down pain associated with it. It will help neutralize the acid keeping your body PH levels more balanced.

You can buy this at a good health store make sure it is organic too. If you want to see independent information on health, there are many videos from different sources at WWW.HealthTips202.Com .

Some more information about Spirulina from wilkepedia

Historical use

Spirulina was a food source for the Aztecs and other Mesoamericans until the 16th century; the harvest from Lake Texcoco and subsequent sale as cakes were described by one of Cortés‘ soldiers.[4][5] The Aztecs called it “techuitlatl”.[3]

Spirulina was found in abundance at Lake Texcoco by French researchers in the 1960s, but there is no reference to its use by the Aztecs as a daily food source after the 16th century, probably due to the draining of the surrounding lakes for agricultural and urban development.[2][3] The first large-scale spirulina production plant, run by Sosa Texcoco, was established there in the early 1970s.[1]

Spirulina has also been traditionally harvested in Chad. It is dried into cakes called dihé, which are used to make broths for meals, and also sold in markets. The spirulina is harvested from small lakes and ponds around Lake Chad.[6]


Most cultivated spirulina is produced in open channel raceway ponds, with paddle-wheels used to agitate the water.[3] The largest commercial producers of spirulina are located in the United StatesThailandIndiaTaiwanChinaPakistanBurma (a.k.a. Myanmar),Greece and Chile .[1]

Nutrient and vitamin content

Protein and amino-acid content

Dried Spirulina contains about 60% (51–71%) protein. It is a complete protein containing allessential amino acids, though with reduced amounts of methioninecysteine and lysinewhen compared to the proteins of meat, eggs and milk. It is, however, superior to typical plant protein, such as that from legumes.[2][7] The U.S. National Library of Medicine stated that spirulina was no better than milk or meat as a protein source, and was approximately 30 times more expensive per gram.[8]

Vitamin B12

Spirulina is not considered to be a reliable source of Vitamin B12. Spirulina supplements contain predominantly pseudovitamin B12, which is biologically inactive in humans.[9] Companies which grow and market spirulina have claimed it to be a significant source of B12on the basis of alternative, unpublished assays, although their claims are not accepted by independent scientific organizations. TheAmerican Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada in their position paper on vegetarian diets state that spirulina cannot be counted on as a reliable source of active vitamin B12.[10] The medical literature similarly advises that spirulina is unsuitable as a source of B12.[9][11]

Other nutrients

Spirulina’s lipid content is about 7% by weight,[12] and is rich in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and also provides alpha-linolenic acid(ALA), linoleic acid (LA), stearidonic acid (SDA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid(AA).[7][13] Spirulina contains vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (folic acid), vitamin C,vitamin Dvitamin A and vitamin E.[7][13] It is also a source of potassiumcalciumchromiumcopperironmagnesiummanganese,phosphorusseleniumsodium and zinc.[7][13] Spirulina contains many pigments which may be beneficial and bioavailable, includingbeta-carotenezeaxanthinchlorophyll-axanthophyllechinenonemyxoxanthophyllcanthaxanthindiatoxanthin3′-hydroxyechinenonebeta-cryptoxanthin and oscillaxanthin, plus the phycobiliproteins c-phycocyanin and allophycocyanin.[1]

Possible health benefits and risks


Toxicological Studies

Toxicological studies of the effects of Spirulina consumption on humans and animals, including feeding as much as 800mg/kg,[14] and replacing up to 60% of protein intake with Spirulina,[15] have shown no toxic effects.[16] Fertility, teratogenicity, peri- and post-natal, and multi-generational studies on animals also have found no adverse effects from Spirulina consumption.[17] Spirulina intake has also been found to prevent damage caused by toxins affecting the heart, liver, kidneys, neurons, eyes, ovaries, DNA, and testicles.[17] In a 2009 study, 550 malnourished children were fed up to 10 g/day of Spirulina powder, with no adverse effects. Dozens of human clinical studies have similarly shown no harmful effects to Spirulina supplementation.[18]

The Food and Drug Administration has awarded the GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) designation to Spirulina from the American Spirulina companies Cyanotech, Earthrise, and RFI,[19][18] as well as to Spirulina produced by the Indian company Parry Pharmaceuticals.[20]

Quality-related safety issues

Spirulina is a form of cyanobacterium, some of which are known to produce toxins such as microcystinsBMAA, and others. Some spirulina supplements have been found to be contaminated with microcystins, albeit at levels below the limit set by the Oregon Health Department.[21] Microcystins can cause gastrointestinal disturbances and, in the long term, liver cancer. The effects of chronic exposure to even very low levels of microcystins are of concern, because of the potential risk of cancer.[21]

These toxic compounds are not produced by spirulina itself,[22] but may occur as a result of contamination of spirulina batches with other toxin-producing blue-green algae. Because spirulina is considered a dietary supplement in the U.S., there is no active, industry-wide regulation of its production and no enforced safety standards for its production or purity.[21] The U.S. National Institutes of Healthdescribes spirulina supplements as “possibly safe”, provided they are free of microcystin contamination, but “likely unsafe” (especially for children) if contaminated.[23] Given the lack of regulatory standards in the U.S., some public-health researchers have raised the concern that consumers cannot be certain that spirulina and other blue-green algae supplements are free of contamination.[21]

Heavy-metal contamination of spirulina supplements has also raised concern. The Chinese State Food and Drug Administrationreported that leadmercury, and arsenic contamination was widespread in spirulina supplements marketed in China.[24]

Safety issues for certain target groups

Due to very high Vitamin K content, patients undergoing anticoagulant treatments should not change consumption patterns of Spirulina without seeking medical advice to adjust the level of medication accordingly.

As all protein-rich foods, Spirulina contains the essential amino acid phenylalanine (2.6-4.1 g/100 g),[3] which should be avoided by people who have the rare genetic disorder phenylketonuria, where the body cannot metabolize this amino acid and it builds up in the brain, causing damage.[25]

In vitro research

Spirulina has been studied in vitro against HIV,[26] as an iron-chelating agent,[27] and as a radioprotective agent.[28] Animal studies have evaluated spirulina in the prevention of chemotherapy-induced heart damage,[29] stroke recovery,[30] age-related declines in memory,[31] diabetes mellitus,[32] in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,[33] and in rodent models of hay fever.[34]

Human research

In humans, small studies have been undertaken evaluating spirulina in undernourished children,[35] as a treatment for the cosmetic aspects of arsenic poisoning,[36] in hay fever and allergic rhinitis,[37][38] in arthritis,[39][Requires clarification, since IL-2 is typically thought of aspro-inflammatory] in hyperlipidemia and hypertension,[39][40] and as a means of improving exercise tolerance.[41]

At present, these studies are considered preliminary. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, at present there is insufficient scientific evidence to recommend spirulina supplementation for any human condition, and more research is needed to clarify its benefits, if any.[23]

Organic certification

Until recently, much spirulina was certified organic. In 2002, the USDA‘s National Organic Standards Board voted to disallow the use of Chilean nitrate. They granted a three-year window to spirulina producers, which expired in 2006. As a result, leading spirulina manufacturers have stopped labeling their spirulina as organic, citing safety concerns of nitrate alternatives.[42]


Recognizing the potential of spirulina in the sustainable development agenda, several member states of the United Nations came together to form an intergovernmental organization named the Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina Against Malnutrition (IIMSAM).[43]

In the late 1980s and early ’90s both NASA (CELSS)[44] and the European Space Agency (MELISSA)[45] proposed Spirulina as one of the primary foods to be cultivated during long-term space missions.


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